Monday, November 7, 2022

Why I helped a thief to get bail ?

I was posted at Raipur from 1997 to 2000 . One day a thief was caught by police and was brought to police station Ajadpura for questioning . Although that police station was not under me , I was directed to interrogate the thief .

 When I started questioning the thief , he confessed several thefts in different localities of Raipur . Suddenly his newly wed wife came to me . She had six months  child in her lap . She requested me to discharge his husband . But when I told her that he had confessed so many thefts and it is not possible to let him go . 

She requested me to have conversations with her husband for 5 minutes and they should be left alone . 

I agreed . Both wife and husband were left alone in another room . But we made such arrangements so that we can overhear their private conversation . 

When she entered into the room where her husband thief was already there , she slapped her husband accusing him involved in so many thefts . She was profusely weeping . Intermittently , she was assaulting her husband for committing thefts . Her husband was also repenting . Some time both wept bitterly and some time , both showed angst towards each other .

I overheard that thief was telling her wife that he had no option left for him except to commit thefts to arrange milk for his newly born baby . He could not get jobs. Nor he found work . That he was forced to commit thefts . 

When I overheard the conversation between wife and husband , I got emotionally choked . I called both of them before me . I said that since you had committed crimes , you would not be let free of charges . But I shall make sure that you got bail as soon as possible to look after your family . I arranged bail for him and gave certain amount of money to start his own business of betel shop . 

I did not do any favour to the thief . I did everything for the sake of humanity . A little effort by me saved a family from being destroyed . 

Above story point out the extreme unemployment scenario in our country . It is because of lack of unemployment opportunities that so many crimes are committed in our country . Government must focus upon employment generation by launching rural and urban employment generation programmes . It must stress upon high growth so that size of economy is enlarged . Higher growth would lead to spill over effect upon lower strata of society . 

Supreme Court endorsed 10% reservation to EWS in the general category


Supreme Court endorsed 10% reservation to EWS of general categories of people . This is a landmark judgement . Although constitution of India lays the foundation of equality , non discrimination , equal opportunity to seek employment , abolishment of non touch ability  it also seeks positive discrimination in favour of SC , ST , women and children , socially and educationally backward classes . A large chunk of forward castes are mired in poverty . So , confirmation of reservation to EWS would herald social justice among people of general categories . 

  Our constitution talks about equitable distribution of wealth and reduction of concentration of wealth . But all governments failed to achieve this goal . Top1% people have 22% of national resources . Top 10% of people have 57% of the national resources . While below 20% people have no durable assets . Ours is the biggest unequal society . Hence , it is pertinent to give reservation to weaker sections of society . 

aaM  But reservation is not the penecea for all the ills that India is under going . It may be temporary solution . The most important thing is to bring equality and social justice in our society . This doesn’t mean dismantling of big business houses or corporates , it simply means fulfilling bare necessities of all and sundry so that everyone prosper according to his labor and hard work . Until this goal is achieved , reservation is must . 

Informal Sector in the Indian Economy

  Why is it in the news ?  1.According to the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), as of 2024, the informal sector in India constitut...