Tuesday, September 27, 2022

अगर आपके मोहल्ले में डकैती हो रहा हो तो आप क्या करेंगे ? If Dacoity is being committed to your Mohalla what will you do ?

 अगर आपके मोहल्ले में डकैती हो रहा हो तो आप क्या करेंगे ?

 If Dacoity is being committed to your Mohalla what will you do ?

  1. If dacoits have come into your mohalla, start hue and cry collectively

  2. This will give a positive indication and dacoits will flee away

  3. If dacoits resist and do not flee away and enter into a house to commit dacoity, the house holder should remain calm and do not resist , do not make any quick or any unexpected movement

  4. Assure the dacoits that you will cooperate and take no action that will jeopardise your safety

  5. Make mental notes of the dacoits appearance, take note of their features including race, age, height, hair, eye colour, clothing, any scars or tattoos on their body, any weapon, if they have come from a car take note the make and model and plate no. of that car

  6. Follow dacoit’s direction, do not offer more than what they asked for

  7. Notice what the dacoits do. If any conversation takes between them, do they use any language, then what language they used or the name or nicknames they are using, which place they are touching so that you can tell police about those areas to collect fingerprints

  8. Your personal safety is your top priority, if your house is in a isolated area move to an area with people and ask someone to stay with you

  9. If you remain in the house, don’t touch anything till the police arrive 

  10. If any witness has seen the commission of crime they should stay outside the house till arrival of the police

  11. After completion of the inquiry of scene of crime by forensic experts and tracking dog, you get immediately the case registered at nearest police station

  12.  You may submit written application before SHO or may narrate the whole incident orally 

  13. The FIR must contain, who the accused were, what were their descriptive rolls, which direction they came from and which direction they fled away after commission of the crime, narrate physical features of every accused in FIR, describe in detail, the goods stolen and gave the sketch mark of the stolen goods so that these sketch can be sent to goldsmiths. 

  14. Narrate whether they had typical marks on their body? What clothing they had worn? Names or nicknames they were using in their conversation, styles of hair, what kind of weapon they were holding? everything should be narrated in FIR

What What is dacoity?

  1. Dacoity is a robbery committed by 5 or more persons under section 395 IPC

  2. If dacoits have killed the householder or anybody in the course of dacoity, then case will be registered under section 396 IPC, the punishment for this section is death or life imprisonment

  3. If during the course of dacoity dacoits uses deadly weapon then section 397 IPC will slapped

  4. If deadly weapon is not used then section 398 will be slapped

  5. For the preparation of dacoity, section 399/402 is used

  6. Robbery is either theft or extortion (section 390 IPC)

  7. Theft is robbery, if while committing theft offender causes or attempt to cause to any person death, hurt or wrongful restrain

  8. Extortion is robbery if offender put that person in fear of instant death or instant hurt or instant wrongful restrain

  9. Theft is constituted when there are 5 elements - movable property, without consent, dishonest intention, taking property from one place to another and taking property out of the possession of another person

When dacoits have been caught and stolen goods have been recovered?

  1. Will have to identify the stolen goods. The executive magistrate will organise identification parade

  2. If you fail to identify stolen goods, the accused will get acquitted, no challan will be produced in the court.

  3. So you have to identify the stolen goods before the executive magistrate and then during the trial, so that, accused can be convicted 

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