Tuesday, September 27, 2022

How police do surveillance upon criminals? पुलिस बदमाशों पर कैसे निगरानी रखती है ?

 How police do surveillance upon criminals? पुलिस बदमाशों पर कैसे निगरानी रखती है ? 

  1. There are three works assigned to police - to maintain law and order, prevention and investigation of crime, security of VVIP (article 23 of police act)

  2. Police do surveillance of bad characters, criminals to prevent crime. Those criminals who are dangerous for public peace and security and are dangerous security risks, are placed under surveillance and his name is put into a surveillance register.

  3. A history sheet will be open and will be placed under regular surveillance 

  4. History sheets contains 5 parts, first parts relates with description of criminals, second part relates with the details of crime committed by him, third part contains the conviction/ acquittal of that criminal, fourth part contains the regular checking by beat incharge and SHO with proper entries and date of general diary, fifth part contains regular visits and checking of history sheeters by supervisory officer 

Who are placed under surveillance 

  1. Convicts released conditionally by the state government under section 432 CRPC before the expiry of their sentence

  2. When the state government suspend the execution of the sentence of criminal or remid the whole of the any part of the sentence

  3. Government may impose condition or no condition for the remission of the punishment

  4. The conditional release entails that he will not go beyond the limit prescribed in the conditional release without the permission of SP

  5. That he will report himself periodically at such time as may be prescribed by the SP

  6. That he will present himself within 30 days of a release before SHO in which jurisdiction is living

  7. That he will not commit any offence punishable any law enforce in India

  8. That will not associate with other bad characters 

Convicts subject to an order passed under section 356 of CRPC

  1. When any person having been convicted by a court in India for an offence relating to body offences or property offences for 3 years or more and is again convicted for a term of 3 years or more for those offences

  2. The court can order that after his release , his residence must be notified and so it is intended to restrict his movement for 5 years

Ex- Convict and suspected bad character - Who are placed on the surveillance register by an executive order of the SP

How is surveillance affected ?

  1. By periodical inquiries by SHO to ascertain habits, association, income, expenses, occupations and general repute

  2. Visit by day and night at regular intervals 

  3. Secret picketing before the house of the criminal

  4. Reporting by Patels, Mukkadams, Kotwars of movement or absence from home

  5. Verification of such movement by means of B C rolls 

  6. Collection of information from history sheets about the criminals

  7. Phone tapping 

  8. Deciphering letters secretly 

  9. Computer surveillance involving monitoring of information and traffic online 

  10. Surveillance CCTV cameras

  11. Mapping of social networking on the basis of information, gathered from facebook, twitter and other social services network

  12. Aerial surveillance for notorious terrorist 

  13. Data profiling, satellite imagery

  14. Mobile phones for gathering Geo location information whether mobile phone is operational or not

Surveillance should not be for long duration otherwise right to privacy is infringed upon and regular life is hampered

The offenders relating to property offences are put under History Sheet while those offenders relating to body offences are placed under Gunda File

Surveillance is an important tool for the prevention of crime.

MAMS is basic by which police officers check criminals.

M- means movement

A- means associate

M- Maintenance

S- means suspicion

This formula is applied for restricting criminals from committing crimes 

Watch Full video here

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