Monday, March 3, 2025

Imperialism is dead, long live new imperialism

Why is it in the news? 

1. The new world order arose from the ashes of World War II. Four important elements of the new world order were - economic integration through a global free trading system enforced by GATT and later on by WTO, international financial institutions like World Bank, IMF and IDA to regulate and to help developing countries in order to have a stable global financial system, the principle of collective security enforced by the UN based on sovereign equality in international affairs and self -determination. 

2. But President Donald Trump is bent upon bulldozing the new world order. He pulled out the US from the Paris agreement and World Health Organisation. He ordered a review of American membership of all international organisations and treaties. The U.S. President Donald Trump has agreed to shut down the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), following the president’s recent criticism of the agency’s leadership. He issued the order of reciprocal tariffs, thereby, throwing the global trading system into disarray.  

3. Thus, the US is bent upon pursuing a nationalist foreign policy, promoting its economic and mercantilist interests overriding the overall interest of the world. Moreover, American and Russian officials started talking at Riyadh to end the Russia-Ukraine ongoing war without taking  Ukraine into confidence. Thus, NATO and the European Union will have to reappraise its relation with the US and Russia. 

4. By taking the side of President Putin on Ukraine, President Trump has virtually withdrawn from the security of the European Union guaranteed by NATO.  Secondly, he wants to acquire Greenland, Canada, Panama and even Gaza. If these ventures of the US were to materialise, it would signal the heralding of the new imperial age.  

What is imperialism

1.Imperialism is a state policy and practice of extending power and dominion through direct territorial acquisition or by exerting political and economic control over other areas. It involves the use of military or economic power over the lesser developed countries or areas to get prestige, power and resources. According to Lenin, imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. The main motivations behind imperialism were economic, political, ideological, security and demonstration of power and prestige at the world stage.  

2. Historically, imperialism has been evident in the empires of Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. In the modern era, imperialism was carried forward by countries like England, France, Portuguese, Netherlands, Germany, the US, Italy, Japan and Russia. While the old imperialism involve direct territorial acquisition and control through military, conquest and colonisation, the new imperialism after the 15th century was marked by creating economic dependencies through trade, investment and the global market system rather than through direct governance. The new imperialism also involves imposition of cultural values and practices through media, education and consumer goods leading to cultural homogenisation and the erosion of local tradition.  

 The main motivations for imperialism were -  

  • The industrial revolution created the demand for raw materials and new markets for manufactured goods. And so, the industrialised countries wanted to secure raw materials like cotton, minerals etc and to establish a market for their manufactured goods. These economic motivations led them to acquire new colonies. 

  • Countries also pursued imperialism to enhance their power and prestige. Colonies provided them military bases. 

  • Competition among European powers also fueled the scramble for colonies as each country sought to excel others in getting new colonies. 

  • Imperialism was also sought on the basis of ideology. The western European powers wanted to spread the civilising mission in the rest of the world. They thought themselves racially superior and so they wanted to spread western culture, religion and governance to the other parts of the world. 

  • Imperialism was also perpetuated to secure control of communication lines, to get strategic advantages and to establish buffer states. However,  this often led to increased friction and insecurity among nations.  

Difference between imperialism and colonialism

1. While colonialism is a form of imperialism involving direct control and settlement, imperialism is a broader concept that includes various forms of domination and influence, not necessarily involving direct governance or settlement. 

2. Imperialism can be implemented without establishing formal colonies. It might involve economic dominance, political influence or cultural hegemony. For example, US influence in Latin America, the Middle East and several African countries. Thus, imperialism does not always involve settlement but focuses on influence and exploitation. In short, it involves exerting control through direct and indirect means. 

3. Colonialism involves direct control and administration of colonised regions by the colonialist country. It often involves migration, cultural assimilation and long term governance. In short, colonialism is a form of imperialism characterised by direct control and settlement. For example, the Britishers colonised India, West Indies and the US. Portugal colonised Brazil, Spain colonised Mexico and Argentina, the Dutch colonised Indonesia, the US colonised Philippines. Thus, the European colonists ruled over indigenous population.  In short, colonialism is always a form of imperialism. 

What is neo imperialism ?

1. It refers to the concept where powerful countries exert influence over others through economic, political or cultural means rather than direct colonisation. 

2. It involves the extension of a country’s influence through globalisation, trade and cultural dominance reflecting a modern form of imperialism that does not rely on direct territorial control. 

3. Developed countries and multinational corporations exploit developing countries for cheap labour and raw materials. This form of control is often facilitated by international financial institutions like the international monetary fund and world bank which impose conditions on loans that benefit developed countries at the expense of the interest of the developing countries. 

4. For example, the military intervention of the US in Iraq is an example of neo imperialism. Neo imperialism exerted influence on the developing countries through controlling trade, investment and the financial system. 

How can the developing countries can get rid of neo imperialism

1. Diversification of economies - Developing countries should reduce dependency upon exporting raw materials by  diversifying their economies. This involves investing in manufacturing and innovation in technology so that high valued goods are exported to foreign countries. 

2. Promotion of local industries - Developing countries should go vocal for local. They should promote import substitution strategies by reducing reliance on foreign goods and services. 

3. Strengthening regional cooperation - By forming regional trade agreements, developing countries can create a larger market for their goods and services. They should also make free trade agreements with different countries of the world so that they are not dependent upon a few countries. 

4. Developing countries should promote trade in local currencies rather than in dollars. De-dollarization would reduce the possibility of frequent volatility in the international market. 

5. Enhancing governance and institutions - Developing countries should ensure transparency, accountability and the rule of law so that their resources are managed effectively. Corruption is reduced to the minimum. All these efforts would attract more sustainable foreign investments. 

6.Investing in infrastructure, education and healthcare - Developing countries should focus upon improving infrastructure so that the cost of logistics is reduced. Skilled manpower would further increase productivity. Innovation would further increase value addition of goods and services. 

The above methods and strategies can help developing countries to mitigate the impact of neo imperialism and to improve more sustainable and autonomous development. Asian Tigers like South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, HongKong have successfully overcome economic dependency through export led industrialisation by leveraging their competitive advantage in cheap but skilled labour force. They maintained a high rate of domestic savings and investments. 

Secondly, regional organisations like ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations),  SADC (Southern African Development Community), EU (European Union) have successfully reduced the impact of neo imperialism by way of reducing dependency on any country. Member countries have integrated their economies to facilitate the free flow of goods, services and capital. This integration has helped member countries to achieve economic stability, reducing reliance on external powers. 


Multi polar, instead of a unipolar world, would be a strong safeguard to combat the danger of neo imperialism. The US reciprocal policy on tariffs and its threat to annex Greenland, Panama and Canada are also  examples of neo imperialism because these measures of the US aim at tearing asunder the new world order established after the second World War. It is therefore imperative that developing countries and other developed countries should pursue de-dollarisation to reduce the dependency upon the US, to make efforts for regional economic cooperation, free trade agreements among countries and more focus upon production of high valued goods and services for exports to foreign countries by substituting imports. 

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