Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How to safeguard yourself from accidental death on the Road?


  1. India has 1% of the total vehicles of the world but there are 11% accidental deaths on the road in India out of the total accident of the world.

  2. Over 4 lakh road accident in 2021

  3. 16.8% increase in road accident fatalities rising from 133201 in 2020 to 155622 in 2021

  4. In 2020, 371884 individuals were injured 

  5. The death rate per thousand vehicles has increased from 0.45 in 2020 to 0.53 in 2021

  6. UP had the most road accident fatalities (14%)in 2021, followed by Tamil Nadu 9.88% , Maharashtra 8.94% 

  7. In Mizoram, Punjab, Jharkhand, UP, there were more fatalities than injuries

  8. Two wheelers were responsible for greatest number of fatal road accident in 2021 (69240 deaths) accounting for 44.5% of all road fatalities 

  9. Car deaths were about 23531 (15.1%) followed by Trucks with 14622 deaths (9.4%), 

  10. India witnesses 53 road crashes every hour killing 1 person every 4 minutes 

  11. Over 13 lakh people died and another 50 lakh people were injured in road accidents in the past 10 years

  12. Highest number of road accidents accounting 30.3% of all road accidents occurred on National Highways, 23.9% on state highways 

Why is it in the news?

  1. According to one news item, 83 % car occupants who died in 2021 were not wearing seat belts 

  2. 19.8 k car occupants were killed across India in 2021

  3. 16.4k died due to not wearing seat belts including 8000 passengers 

  4. 69.4 k two wheeler riders were killed in accidents 

  5. 46.6 k died for not wearing helmets including 13.7 k pillion riders

  6. 2 out every 3 two wheeler riders who died in road crashes last year were not wearing helmets

  7. In 2021, 153972 people met accidental death in 2020 it was 131714 and in 2019 it was 151113 accidental deaths

  8. Out of these deaths over speeding accounted for 107236 accidental deaths, wrong side driving accounted for 8122 deaths, use of mobile phone accounted for 2982 deaths, drunk driving accounted for 3314 deaths, jumping traffic lights 679 deaths, others 31639 deaths 

  9. Person kill in road crashes, the share of two wheelers was 69385 (45.1%) of total deaths

  10. Pedestrians 29124 (18.9%), cars/ taxis, LMVs 19811 (12.9%), truck 9476 (6.2%), auto rickshaws 5966 (3.9%), bicycles 4702 (3.1%)

  11. Nearly 47 thousand people out of a total 6938 two wheeler riders killed in accidents in 2021 were not wearing helmets

Causes of road accidents in India

  1. Speeding - 64% of deaths occur due to speeding the speed limit of 80 km/ hour is not adhered to on four lane highway

  2. Drinking and Driving -

  3. Lack of discipline 

  4. Poor law enforcement

  5. Inadequate training - in 2018, it was found that 26% of drivers who caused accidents did not possess a valid licence 

  6. Inappropriate planning of road - speed breakers are not ahead of crossing

  7. Excessive proximity - it means vehicles are not kept at safe distances

What can be done ?

  1. An estimated 347258 lives could be save annually through the use of electronic speed control and changes in road engineering

  2. Strict regulations related to drunk driving could save 16304 lives 

  3. Seat belt laws can save 51698 lives per year while motorcycle helmet laws can save 121083 lives 

  4. Radar and speed detection camera systems can be installed at important cross roads 

  5. Road safety auditing and road safety engineering building should be the focus of training, workshops and courses

  6. In addition, advanced breaking ought to be mandated for all vehicles 

  7. Penalties for traffic violations, vehicles defects, juvenile driving have been increased under the motor vehicle amendment act 2019 

  8. Central government established National road safety board to minimise road accidents 

1.Education, awareness, incentivisation of drivers are key to reduce road accidents
2.Promoting save safe driving, encouraging good road behaviour, building an ecosystem 3.that support road safety can reduce road accidents
4.National road safety stakeholders need to construct zero fatality corridors 
5.The support of artificial intelligence can check fatigue, drowsiness of drivers and give them real alerts which help them to save many accidents.
6.These digital technology can help track driver behaviour like speeding, sudden breaking, fuel saving, over time driving.

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