Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why do courts acquit criminals/accused?


Why do courts acquit criminals/accused?

Why is it in the news?

As per the news item published in the reputed Newspaper at Indore, the court acquitted three accused charged with murder and kidnapping of a 13 year old son of a medical shop owner. It was contended that most of the witnesses turned hostile and so the court acquitted the accused. The mother of the dead son was in the precinct of the court and she started sobbing but the accused came out with their smiling faces. Thus, the boy, who was killed, did not get justice even after his death.


1.Once a crime is committed, the Police register FIR. Investigation goes on. 

  • The investigation of an offence consists of proceeding of the investigating officer to the spot, ascertainment of facts and circumstances of the case, discovery and arrest of the suspected offenders, the examinations of various accused and the search of places or seizure of things considered necessary for the investigation and finally, formation of the opinion as to whether on the basis of materials collected, there is a case to present accused before the magistrate for trials and if so, taking the necessary steps by filing of a charge sheet under section 173 of crpc.

2.If there is sufficient evidence, the investigating officer produces a charge sheet in the court. The court starts the trial proceedings whereby examination chief, cross examination and re-examination of the witnesses, complainants and accused take place. The relevant documents are exhibited in the court of law before the accused. The Judge either convicts or acquits the accused on the basis of evidence brought before him. 

3.If there is sufficient evidence, the court convicts the accused as per the provision of Indian Penal court. If the court is not satisfied with the evidence brought before it, it may acquit the accused. 

Causes of the acquittal of the accused 

The acquittal of an accused can be attributed to the complexities of so many factors. These are -

  • Insufficient evidence- If the prosecution fails to establish the guilt of the accused on the basis of insufficient evidence incriminating the accused, the court can acquit an accused. 

  • Reasonable doubt- It is the duty of prosecution to prove the involvement of the accused in the crime beyond reasonable doubt. If the defence successfully introduces doubt about the involvement of the accused in the case, the court can give a verdict in favour of the accused by acquitting him. 

  • Illegal evidence - If the court comes to the conclusion that the prosecution has obtained evidence unlawfully, it may not admit that illegal evidence in the court and this may lead to acquittal of the accused.

  • False confessions - If defence proves that the confession of the accused was obtained by coercion, temptation, allurement or under duress, the court may not admit those confessions by the accused and this may lead to acquittal.

  • Credibility of witnesses - If witnesses are inconsistent, biased , and their statements are contradicted by other evidence, it may create scepticism in the mind of the judge and he may acquit the accused because of the lack of accuracy among witnesses. 

  • Failure in identification of unknown accused and stolen goods may lead to acquittal of accused.

  • Alibi - If the defence successfully establishes the fact that the accused were far off from the place of occurrence of crime and it was not humanly possible to reach the place where the crime occurred, the court may presume that the accused are not involved in the commission of crime.

  • If the expert testimony is challenged by the defence and their methodology or expert testimony is successfully impeached, the court may presume that the expert's testimony were vitiated and so it may acquit the accused. 

  • Lack of jurisdiction- on account of lack of jurisdiction, the court can also acquit and accuse.

  • Statutes of limitations -  The law dictates a specific time limit within which charges must be found. If the prosecution brings charges after the statute of limitation has expired, the accused may be acquitted due to the legal time limit. 

  • Poor investigation - Investigation is the process of linking the chain of circumstances under which the crime occurred and the crime detected. If the Investigating Officer fails to establish the link of the occurrence and the detection of the crime and if there is a missing link, the court may acquit the accused. 

  • Procedural violations - failure to adhere to legal procedure during evidence collection, statement of witnesses, arrest, searches can render evidence inadmissible in the court. 

  • Political influence - Pressure from higher authorities or political masters can compromise the independence and impartiality of the investigation leading to the acquittal of the accused. 

  • Resourceful and powerful accused - Sometimes accused are so powerful politically and economically that they exert enormous pressure upon witnesses, the police and the court. Moreover, these powerful accused hire reputed lawyers to defend their case. While the complainant and his government advocate can not match the legal knowledge and expertise of defence lawyers. This leads to the acquittal of the accused. 

  • In addition, lack of expertise of the investigating officer, procedural violation, inadequate training and prejudice of the investigating officer are other factors for the acquittal of accused. 

Impact of acquittal of the accused on the society 

Society is disturbed whenever wrongful convictions take place or guilty individuals are acquitted. This leads to the erosion of public trust in law enforcement. The confidence of people in the criminal justice system is also shaken. Law and order situation worsens. Anarchy prevails. The prestige of police ebbs in the eyes of people. 


Acquittals of an accused occur on account of several factors. It is therefore pertinent that the comprehensive legal procedure is followed. The rights of the accused are safeguarded. The evidence is collected and scrutinised before producing them into the court of law so that the court can trust them. It must be remembered that as per the jurisprudence, every accused is innocent until proven guilty by the court. Efforts should be made to cross examine witnesses and accused in such a way that the court is satisfied with the collection of evidence and its authenticity. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

India is the Mother of Democracy. Right or Wrong?

Is India the Mother of Democracy?

What is democracy?

1.Democracy is the form of government which is governed by the people, for the people and of the people. This definition is given by the U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. 

2.According to P. B. Shelley, democracy is a form of government in which everyone has a share. It means the people have a share in the governance and the economic resources of the country. It also implies that there must be equitable distribution of resources among the people of a country.

3. According to United Nations Human Right commission,  the essential features of democracy are 

  • Holding of periodic free and fair elections by universal suffrage and by secret ballot to determine the will of the people.

  • Respect for fundamental freedom of expression and opinion.

  • Respect for Human rights 

  • A pluralistic system of political parties and organisations

4.The evolution of the modern concept of democracy and its development are linked to two important revolutions. They are the American revolution (1776) and the French revolution (1789). The American revolution was the harbinger of constitutionalism and the government based upon the free and voluntary consent of all people. The French revolution reinforced the principle of popular sovereignty, the universal manhood suffrage and the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity. 

5.In Athens, universal suffrage was not the norm. Only elite adult males with Athenian parentage on both sides were considered citizens eligible to vote. Women and slaves were disqualified. 

Republics of ancient India 600 BC to 400 AD

1.We have no direct evidence regarding the Indus state. We do not have evidence to suggest as to what kind of government was being run by the Indus people. Some scholars argue that the government was run by a class of merchants while some others contend that the Government was run by the priest. 

2.In the Vedic Period, Sabha and Samiti were two powerful and popular assemblies to assist and advise the king. The king was hereditary. However, his power was very much limited because of the popular influence of Sabha, a council of elders and Samiti, an elected body. But in Vedic period, the state was not republic because the head of the government was not elected. 

Later on, the Gana and Sangha are cited as the two popular examples of ancient democracy. They have been translated as republic, oligarchy, democracy and confederacy. These tribal republics existed between 500 BC to 400 AD. 

3.The important ancient republics were

  • The Shakyas of Kapilvastu

  • The Licchavis of Vaishali

  • The Mallas of Pava

  • The Mallas of Kusinara

  • The Koliya of Ramgram

  • The Bhagya of Sun-Samagri

  • The Mauryas of Piphalaivana 

  • The Kalama of Suputa

  • The Videhas of Mithila

4.In the Republics, the real power lay in the hands of Tribal oligarchies. In the Republics of Sakyas and Licchavis the ruling class belonged to the same clan and same varna. In the case of Licchavis of Vaishali, 7707 Raja (King) sat in the assembly hall. Slaves and hired labourers were not made the part of these assemblies in the republics of areas lying around the Beas river in Punjab, membership was restricted to those who could supply at least one elephant to Raja. Each Raja maintained his own store house and apparatus of administration. They have a separate regular army.  Although Brahmins exercised great power in monarchies, they have no place in the early republics. The republic functioned under the leadership of oligarchies assemblies. Thus, the people in the republic did not share political power equally. 

5.According to A. S. Altekar, these tribal oligarchies flourished as long as there was harmony and concord among the members of their assemblies. These members were generally the senior elite males within the tribe. They were not elected, instead they were selected on the basis of their popularity and social prestige. Within these assemblies various subgroups formed which would often come in conflict with each other and that led to their downfall. Moreover, the rising power of Magadh destroyed the republican states of ancient India. Chandragupta Maurya conquered all these states one by one. 

6.After the downfall of the Mauryan Empire, Republican states again sprang up in western India. The important republics in the post Mauryan period were the Malavas, the Arjunayans, the Yodheys and the Madrakas. These republics were defeated by Sakas and thereafter by the Guptas. 

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Was the Republics of ancient India the epitome of democracy of democratic spirit?

It is clear from the above discussion that the governance of the ancient republics of India was vastly different from the democracy which is being understood and conceptualised these days. The republics of ancient India lacked many of the essential features by which modern day democracy functions. It is clear that in the ancient republic of India there was limited participation in the decision making process. There was no universal adult suffrage. Instead it was the group of elites that ultimately held political power. 


The republics of ancient India were virtually the tribal oligarchies. These were run by a selected few prestigious and high class varnas. In most of the cases, it was Kshatriyas who ruled republics. Brahmins, slaves, hired labourers and lower varnas had no role in the decision making process of republics. Since, the decision making process was very much limited, the ancient republics can not be construed as democracy or proto democratic government. Thus it is wrong to say that India was the mother of democracy. The Nationalist historians claimed India as the cradle of democracy to instil nationalistic feelings and glorious past among the subjugated people who were seething with discontents and difficulties during the British rule.    

Friday, December 22, 2023

Why are the incidents of divorce increasing in India?

Why are the incidents of divorce increasing in India?

1.Why are divorce cases in the news?

1.In 2022, 11.4 lakh cases were pending in family courts across the country.

2.There are 715 family courts in the country in 26 states and union territories.

3.In the Indore family court, 8400 cases are pending out of which 5500 cases are related to divorce. Out of these, 3000 divorce cases have been filed by those couples who had been married within one year.

4.The data shows that the incidents of divorce are increasing with every passing year. While in 2018 there were 2250 divorce cases filed in the family court of Indore, it rose to 2723 cases in 2022. In most of the cases, it has been observed that the main reasons for filing divorce petitions are lack of compatibility, intolerance, distrust, clash of egos  etc.

2.What is divorce?

1.Divorce is a legal dissolution of a marriage by court or other competent body. This is the end of the conjugal life. The divorce petition can be filed by either of the spouses only after the lapse of one year of their marriage.

3.Difference between divorce and judicial separation

1.Divorce is the dissolution of marriage and it brings to an end marital rights and obligations between the parties. In judicial separation, the rights and obligations of the parties to marriage are suspended temporarily and marital relationship between the parties does not come to an end.

2.In case of divorce, the parties can remarry after a period of appeal has passed. In case of judicial separation, the parties can not marry unless a decree of divorce is obtained as provided in section 13 of Hindu marriage act.

3. If the parties resort to cohabitation during the course of divorce, there would be no effect on a decree of divorce. If the parties resort to cohabitation during the course of judicial separation, the effect of decree would be neutralised. 

4.Grounds of divorce among Hindus, Muslims and Parsis

1.Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Parsis are governed under separate marriage acts and so the  grounds for divorce are also different for different religious communities. 

2.Under the Hindu marriage act 1955,the grounds for divorce are 

  • Adultery 

  • Cruelty

  • Desertion for two years

  • Conversion 

  • Mental disorder or insanity

  • Leprosy

  • Venereal disease like AIDS or STD

  • Renunciation

  • Not heard alive for 7 years 

  • Non-resumption of cohabitation for one year and the husband neglects the judgement of maintenance awarded to the wife by the court, the wife can file a divorce petition  against her husband.

3.In addition, a girl can file a divorce petition if she was married before the age of 15 years. A married woman can file a divorce petition against her husband if her husband has indulged in rape, bestiality and sodomy. 

4.A wife can also seek divorce from her husband if she has a reason to believe that her husband has married another woman. 

5.Grounds for divorce under Parsi marriage and divorce act 1936

  • Continuous absence of 7 years

  • Non-consummation of marriage within one year

  • Unsound mind

  • Pregnancy by some other man

  • Adultery, bigamy, fornication, rape or any other type of perverse sexual acts 

  • Act of cruelty 

  • Suffering venereal disease 

  • Forcing the wife into prostitution

  • Sentenced to prison for 7 years or more

  • Desertion for two or more years

  • Non-resumption of cohabitation after passing an order of maintenance 

  • A decree of judicial separation

6.Grounds for divorce under the dissolution of Muslim marriage act 1939

A Muslim woman can seek divorce on the following grounds in India 

  • The whereabouts of the husband are unknown for four years 

  • The husband has failed to provide maintenance to the wife for at least two years.

  • The husband has been under imprisonment for 7 of more years

  • The husband is unable to meet the marital obligations

  • If the girl is married before 15 years and decides to end the relationship before she turns 18 years.

  • Husband indulges in the acts of cruelty

7.Grounds for divorce among Christians

  • Adultery

  • The person has ceased to be a Christian by converting to an another religion

  • Unsound mind

  • Suffering from leprosy 

  • The person has not been heard for a period of 7 years

  • The person has wilfully refused to consummate the marriage for a long period.

  • Desertion for two years

  • Cruelty to wife 

  • Failure to comply with a decree for restitution of conjugal rights

  • The woman can also file the petition against her husband if the husband is guilty of rape, sodomy or bestiality.

8.Divorce by mutual consent

  • The high court of Karnataka has ruled that under section 13 B of the Hindu marriage act, 1955 the courts are required to allow 18 months to lapse from the filing of a plea for divorce through mutual consent before deciding on the divorce case.

5.The scenarios of divorce in India and important countries of the world.

1.Divorce rate in India ranks the lowest among all countries in the world. Only one out of hundred marriages in India end up in divorce while in the USA 50% of marriages turn into break ups. The following figure gives an idea about the divorce rate of different countries of the world. 

2.Sweden -54.9%, USA-54.8%, Russia-43.3%, UK-42.6%, Germany-39.4%, Singapore-17.2%, Japan-1.9%, Sri Lanka-1.5%, India-1.1%.

3.The divorce rate in India is steadily increasing year by year. It is estimated that the number of divorces has more than doubled for the last two decades.

4.The rate of divorce in urban cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru is more than 30%. 

5.States like UP, Bihar, Haryana, Rajasthan which are known for patriarchal societies, have relatively low divorce and separation rates but in the north Eastern regions, the divorce rate is increasing.

6.Maharashtra has higher incidences of divorce cases which is 18.7%. The top ten states having more divorce cases are mentioned below.

7.People from the age group of 20-35 are searching for divorce the most and females between the age group of 20-35, 56.2% seek divorce.

 6.Why are the incidents of divorce are increasing in India?

  • Lack of communication

  • Financial problem in the family

  • Emotional break down of relationship

  • Lack of trust

  • Different value system

  • Insecurity

  • Wanting to be independent

  • Erratic work schedule

  • Alcohol and smoking

  • Depression 

  • The empowerment of women in urban areas

  • Awareness of various rights given to women

  • Gender equality often provokes ego clashes between husband and wife.

  • The most literate state Kerala witnessed  the increase of divorce rate by 350% in the last ten years. Punjab and Haryana have witnessed an increase of 150% divorce rate since the last decade. Similarly, in the last four years the divorce rate has doubled in Delhi.

7.How to mitigate the frequency of divorce cases in India

  • Be faithful to your partner

  • Accept changes in society

  • Communicate with your wife but not to dominate her

  • Relation should be based upon mutual respect for each other 

  • Understand the problems of your partner

  • Guidance and counselling 

  • Consulting elders who have been in marriage for long time

  • Leaving aside the shortcomings of your partner

  • Strive for stability of economic resources and sustainability by saving up


  • Divorce is no longer seen as stigma 

  • This is the process to reclaim personal freedom for women and charting out a new course of life.  

  • The value system among youths towards marriage and family life is fast changing.

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